
Showing posts from October, 2022

Bad habits to avoid as a college student and how to break them!

College can be overwhelming for many people. Researchers show that  49.3% of college students feel moderately stressed  (Jacimovic, 2022, para. 3). Whether it's due to stress, laziness or busyness these things can lead to the formation of bad habits. Here are three habits to break to better your lifestyle.  Very common bad habit students hold is procrastination. In other words cramming for exams, research projects, and even smaller assignments. Writer Amy Novotney states that "when participants studied at two different points in time, they recalled a greater percentage of the material than when the same amount of study time was nearly uninterrupted" (Novotney, 2009, para. 5). In other terms students are most likely to forget important points when they cram information all at once than when they study throughout the semester.  Many times the energy college students need is not in coffee, energy drinks, or energy bars but in well-balanced meals throughout the way. Unhealthy

Making good habits easy for you

We all tend to run away from the things that are good for us, we run away from healthy food and healthy components that make up our lifestyle. Oftentimes, we have habits that we tend to not recognize until they're pointed out. For example, you may put your hand in your pocket every time you are brushing your teeth or shake your legs anytime you are in a challenging position and it's not until someone brings light to it that we recognize them. According to James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits  "Understanding how to build new habits (and how your current ones work) is essential for making progress in your health, your happiness, and your life in general" . Due to this, there is a strategy that goes into making these habits easier to stick with and it's not as complicated as one may think.  Starting new habits doesn't mean we go full force. If the practice you want to build is to be more active you don't want to start by going to the gym 7x a week. You want t